My Final Design

The assignment I submitted yesterday.
I think I have adressed all of the issues from my week 13 presentation.
The main thing I learnt this semester was diagramming, and how if used right, can be a powerful tool to clearly demonstrate my design. The spaces and programs have also been altered (well, the whole building was changed actually) to adress the issues.

Thanks everyone for this semester :)

my presentation that i forgot to upload

you can see from some renderings below how street art will affect the complex

my presentation that i forgot to upload in week 13


while on the subject of Street art, I found this ad for a 3d TV, which no doubt was inspired by street art.
street art for the digital age?
maybe lol

Street Art

where's what

Still trying to figure out an effective way to demonstrate my complex emotionally.


one more done!

one of my renders, it describes how street art is integrated into my design. how the bypassers will interact with the art